Partagas Aliados Cigar LCDH
The Partagas Aliados are the newest addition to Habanos’ prestigious LCDH Cigar collection, launched in 2022 exclusively for Casa del Habano franchises worldwide. These Cuban cigars feature a unique format called *Delirios*, measuring 167mm in length with a 45 ring gauge—a slender size sure to delight aficionados who prefer thinner cigars.
The packaging is consistent with the other LCDH releases from 2022, such as La Gloria Cubana Glorias and Juan Lopez Selección Especial. The cigars are presented in an elegant 20-count wooden box with a two-tone lid, adorned with striking Partagas-themed decorations in blue, yellow, and red.
With full-bodied flavor and luxurious presentation, these cigars are highly sought after and likely to sell out quickly, so it’s recommended to secure your box soon.
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